Ok so Boy's, left me a message saying this:
dear i want i like this boy but he has a girl freind. But my freinds say he likes me. Plus he keeps looking at me lke he likes me but he has a girl freind What do i do? 
Here is my advice:
Dear Boy's
Ok, so if he keeps looking at you like that, and he has a girlfriend, he might want to break up with her and go for you. But does he ever stare at you when other people are around, because always remember it could be the person behind you or something. What my friends do for each other is sometimes they go up to a boy for them and ask them if they like there friend. You should try that. But make sure it is someone you know wont put it wrong and make them end up asking them out for theirsleves! If he says no to them, then he might just be looking at someone else or you for for no reason. But make sure your friend asks twice just to see if he is lying. If he says maybe, ask again even if it takes you 5 times, but dont go past that or he'll get the idea that you or your friend is annoying. But you could always ask personally or have a friend ask one of his close friends that would know that and tell you. But about the girlfriend, if you are friends with her kinda or something ask her if she was going to break up with him anytime soon. I hope this advice helps you, if you need more or don't like it, if you ask again i'll try to help you out. Later!