Just as I promised you, here are the hot codenames people have been dying for!
TTYL-Talk To You Later!
BRB-Be Right Back!
G2G-Got To Go!
IDK- I Dont Know.
OMG-Oh My God!
TMTH-Too Much To Handle!
N2MU-Not Too Much. You?
NM-Not Much/ Never Mind
NVM-Never Mind
QT- Cutie
WTC- What The Crap!
WTH- What The Heck!
TISNF- This Is So Not Fair!
BFF-Best Friend Forever!
BFFL-Best Friend For Life
LOL-Laugh Out Loud!
JK-Just Kidding!
KK- Ok
TMI- Too Much Info
IDC- I Dont Care
GB-Good Bye!
NP- No Problem!
IDW- I Dont Want!
IDW2- I Dont Want Too!
IDT- I Dont Think!
IDTS- I Dont Think So!
TMI- Too Much Info
BBL- Be Back later!
FYI- For Your Information
AKA- Also Known As
USL- Your So Lame
Letters like Y,A,O,C,U,I,and B are short ways to say the words why,a,oh,see or sea, you, I, and be.
Numbers are almost always used instead of the real words like 1 instead of one or won, 2 instead of two, too, or to, and so on!
Can you decode these sentences? Play the decode challenge and post in comments or on my guestbook or contact what u think it says! By the way, these are not real. Here it is:
OMG! y wood she do dat? She made him dump me! i so mad at her. i gess i cood try to get him to h8 her or spred bad rumors round dat she dus sumthin babyish. i hav an idee, wat about tel peepl dat she stil sucks her thum? KK ill do dat.
Try this one!
my BFFL is so mean, shes always like IDC or IDK and dusnt care bout wat i hav to say! OMG wat if shes hiding sumthin? IDK wat to do tho, and even tho i told her i got a new pup she was al like, so? i bet its a loser!
Good job if you decoded it!
If there are any other codes that you know that I don't have, then leave them im my guestbook or leave a comment!