Hey welcome to Iwant, an awesome webstie you have to check out and your life shall be miserable and lonely if you dont love it! I got polls, quizes, games, pics, colors, celebs, Biographies, website links nad comments, and so much more that you have to check out so I'll leave you to explore, bye bye!
  Iwant Behind the Scenes

November 17, 2008

Today I had an interview with one of my #1 Iwant fans. She has aked me to write her in as "fan". Here is a little behind the scenes chat that i had with her today:

fan: Hi!
Iwant: Hi! Welcome to Iwant Behind the Scenes, and may I congradulate you on being the first ever person to be on Iwant Behind the Scenes!
fan: Wow! It is an honor to be your first and to be here! I have so many questions to ask you!
Iwant: Well it is your chace to ask me them personaly!
fan: Well let me say, have you ever deleted a page before and had people writing back comments about that it was a bad desicion?
Iwant: Actually, no. I have had only few bad comments and many good comments! 
fan: Well has the number of viewers increased?
Iwant: Actually, it has dropped a little bit. But I am hoping that this September there will be more viewers.
fan: How are you planning to do that? Do you even have a plan at the moment? 
Iwant: Yes, I have a plan. Spread the word. Add my website to link pages, tell my friends to tell there friends to tell there friends and so on. Make fliers and spread them around town, that sort of thing!
fan: That sounds like a lot of work! Do you have any people help you run the site. Like Dr. D, who is he/she?
Iwant: I have people that help me, but it is mostly me. I have a boy run Dr. D's and a girl run the jokes page! She thought it would be a great idea to add it so I did! I run everything else!
fan: Wow. Let me say that you are very good at it too!
Iwant: Thanks!
fan: Now I think I want to get into some more juicy topics! So, do you spen most of the time on the computer or doing more prodcive things?
Iwant. I am not a computer freak! I do not spend most of the time on the computer either. Just because I have a website that I need to update a lot, doesn't mean I never get off of it! I also enjoy scootering, biking, soccer, running, knitting, reading, writing, math, social stdudies, and most importantly, spend time with my friends and family.
fan: Well that is the side that your viewers have never gotten the chance to see, until now!
Iwant: Oh, well that is all the time we have! It was a pleasure chatting with you!
fan: Trust me, the pleasure is all mine!
Iwant: Bye!
fan: Bye!

  So far, 23 visitors (29 hits) have seen my website! Please do not copy my pictures or site names that I made up myself, Edspecially my pet pic of the year winner, Rosie, pic!  
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