Hey welcome to Iwant, an awesome webstie you have to check out and your life shall be miserable and lonely if you dont love it! I got polls, quizes, games, pics, colors, celebs, Biographies, website links nad comments, and so much more that you have to check out so I'll leave you to explore, bye bye!
  Jokes and Riddles


1. How do you get an elephant into a refridgerator?

2.How do you get a giraffe into a refridgerator?

3.All of the animals went to the animal conference that exist in the world except for one. What was it?

4.A man had to cross a lake but there is a sign that says "WARNING! Aligators!" and he couldn't go around the lake, over it, or under it. Only across. What would happen if he crossed the lake?

5. What do you call a fish with no eyes?

6. What do you call a bear with no ears?

7. Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?

8. Why did the cow cross the road?

9. What is a tree's favorite drink?

10. What is the wind's favorite color?

11. There was an old lady who lived in a one-story house and her favorite color was pink. Everything in the house was pink! The lamps, rugs, lights, shutters, ceiling, walls, floors, curtains, trim, couches, and TV's. What color were the stairs?

12. Whats black and white and red all over?

13. If there was a flying over the Canadian and American border and the plane crashed right on the border, which side would they bury the survivors?

14. What do you call a mean Angelfish?

15. What runs down a hill and never gets tired?

16. Why are mathbooks so unhappy?

17. What does a squirrel do all day?

18. What loses its head in the morning and gets it back at night?

19. When you put more in me I get smaller but when you take things out I get bigger, what am I?

20. I have many limbs but I can't walk, what am I?

21. Why did Cinderella get kicked off of the soccer team?

22. What happened to the rockstar when he didn't follow the rules?

23. I occur once in a second, twice in a week, and once in a year, what am I?

24. What can you catch and hold but never carry?

25. What did the pen say to the paper with an A+ on it?

26. What has an eye but can't see?


1. Open the door, stuff the elephant in, shut the door

2. Open the door, take out the Elephant, put in the Giraffe, shut the door

3. The Giraffe because he was in the refridgerator

4. Nothing! The Aligators are all at the animal conference

5. fsh!

6. B!

7. Because he didn't have the guts to do it!

8. To go to the moooovies!

9. Root beer!

10. Blew!

11. Trick question! There were no stairs!

12. A penguin with a diaper rash!

13. Trick question! You dont bury the survivors, the survivors survived!

14. Fishious!

15. A hill!

16. They have a lot of problems!

17. Act Nuts!

18. A pillow!

19. A hole.

20. A tree.

21. Because she kept running away from the ball!

22. He got band!

23. The letter "E"!

24. Your breath!

25. You are so write!

26. A needle!

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